contact us

Stepping Stones Nursery School has three early childhood centers in the City of Chicago.

Nestled in the heart of their Chicago neighborhoods, our Logan Square, Lincoln Square & Portage Park daycares feature a cozy home-based feel and an innovative outdoor program. Stepping Stones’ early childhood classrooms are designed to promote calm, incite curiosity and spark creativity.  Learn more about our philosophy.

To inquire about enrolling your child in one of our schools, please complete the inquiry form here.

Logan Square

3416-3420 W Fullerton Ave
Chicago, IL 60647

Open 7.30 am to 6.00 pm
Monday to Friday


Lincoln Square

2750 W Lawrence Ave
Chicago, 60625

Open 7.30 am to 6.00 pm
Monday to Friday


Portage Park

5910 W Montrose Ave
Chicago, 60634

Open 7.30 am to 6.00 pm
Monday to Friday


To inquire about enrolling your child in one of our schools, please complete the inquiry form here.

Stepping Stones teachers are highly trained and dedicated educators. We pride ourselves in employing compassionate, nurturing and skilled teachers that have long tenures at Stepping Stones, giving each child consistent leadership and care.  All staff undergo extensive background checks, CPR & First Aid Training, and receive necessary vaccinations.

If you’re interested in working with our early childhood community please visit our careers page.